
Overcoming Obstacles

This poem by Jancarl Campi says a lot about my dad, Albert Truesdale, and all that he overcame during the course of his life.

One day you will see that it all has finally come together.
What you have always wished for has finally come to be.
You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself,
"How did I get through all of that?"
Just never let go of hope.
Just never quit dreaming.
And never let love depart from your life.

When dad turned 81 a few years ago, I asked him what it felt like. His reply was that he never thought he’d make it to 80, so it felt great! There must have been so many times in his life when he asked himself: “How did I get through all of that?”

Who was Albert Truesdale? He was a son, a brother, a husband, a friend, a father, and a grandfather. But, most of all, he was a fighter. He overcame so many challenges in life. And, he had a hard time giving up ~ even at the very end.

Dad was born on June 23, 1928, to William Truesdale and Mary McKibbon, who had six children. Dad was the fourth: Bill, Mary, Rusty, Dad, and then Frank, and Jim. It was the year before the Great Depression and, as we all know, times were really tough.

When he was five, dad was diagnosed with polio; his parents could not afford any medical care for him. As a result of the polio, he grew up with no muscle on one side of his body, which impacted him throughout his life.

One of the smartest people I knew, dad did not make it to college. His ability to do math problems in his head was remarkable and he often wished that he had become a math teacher. He would have been a great one. Instead, when he graduated from high school, he went to work as an offset printer. He had helped my grandfather run a printing business in the basement of our house; it was something he knew. A few of us remember what it was like to take the train downtown with him on a Saturday and spend the day with him at work. From loading the paper into his four-color printing machine (which seemed to be 50′ long!) to using a magnifying glass to make sure the colors lined up, it was demanding work. I remember him scrubbing ink off his hands every night when he got home.

When he was 25, he took my mother to her senior prom. (Yes, he robbed the cradle!) He bought his first bouquet, made of yellow roses, went home and put it in the freezer, and presented it to her when he picked her up. It was beautiful … at least until later that evening, when the roses defrosted and turned brown. They always joked with each other about that bouquet. My mom honored that fond memory with the yellow roses that surround him today.

My parents married almost 59 years ago. My mom’s parents did not want them to get married; they did anyway. Over the years, her parents came to accept and love him. And he became one of my grandmother’s biggest fans.

That same summer, dad and his father and brothers built a cottage that, to this day, overhangs the Kalamazoo River in Saugatuck, Michigan. You may have seen some of the pictures of the cottage as it was being built, some of grandma and grandpa, and a few of dad with his brothers and their families at the beach. That cottage served its purpose; it kept our extended family close.

My mom and dad had seven children. As the oldest, I am followed by John, Mike, Rich, Ed, Alice, and Ann. Before the girls were born, we lived in a small two-bedroom apartment in the attic above my dad’s parents’ bungalow on Morgan Street. (They must have been saints to tolerate us.) While she was alive, dad was very devoted to his mother. He had an especially hard time leaving her when our growing family moved to Evergreen Park.

Family Photo

As a parent himself, one of his most frightening moments was when the hospital called to say that they had lost one of his children. Little Ed was there with pneumonia and had been missing for an hour by the time they called. My mom and dad headed to the hospital, split up, and then found him down a hallway under a bed playing with some blocks.

After coaching Little League summer after summer and freezing our backyard every winter so we could play hockey, dad finally retired in 1994 at age 65. Fishing and golfing were how he planned to spend his time. We all remember those mornings at the cottage when dad would wake one or more of us well before dawn to go fishing. He also loved to golf and took his game very seriously. Every year, before we left for Saugatuck, he would hit practice balls in the yard. If he was shanking (or slicing ~ forgive me for not knowing the difference), we’d worry that we’d have to stay home that year. But, we always did go.

About a month after he retired, dad had a stroke, which required surgery. His doctors never did figure out how his brain, now getting blood from only one side of his neck, compensated. A medical miracle ~ our dad. Of course, the stroke affected the other side of his body ~ the side not affected by the polio. So, when the physical therapists would tell him to compensate by using his “good” side, he’d reply that he no longer had a good side. Nevertheless, he worked hard to recover.

He never did get to golf in retirement, but he did get to enjoy being a grandfather. He was loved by his eighteen grandchildren – Andy, Jessie, and Kevin; Jeff and Tim, Matt, Steve, and Alex; Nicole and Scott; Emily, Katie, and Megan; Jake, Josh, and Maddie; and Raiden, Olivia, and Ryan. He was so happy to dance at Matt’s wedding to Jennifer. And, he was looking forward to welcoming Brian to our family this September. He taught them to fish, to root for the Cubs, and to never give up.

About five years ago, dad ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. The nurses told us that he would not recover. His doctor told us that, if he did, my dad would need a feeding tube. She worried about his quality of life. Well, he pulled through, shrugged off any thought of a feeding tube, and, although he learned to tuck his chin, he never did learn to eat more slowly.

Two years ago, dad learned that he had bladder cancer. A few weeks ago, he went for his last checkup. Finally, a medical condition that he could beat! I think we all got the same phone call that day. He was so happy!

Last summer, dad had to start using a wheel chair and oxygen, entered hospice, and it became more and more difficult for my mom to care for him. Luckily, Bill, a medical doctor from Mongolia in the U.S. to study for his medical boards, moved into my parents’ house. Bill took such wonderful care of dad.

Last year, I started taking dad to the movies to give my mom a bit of a break. After a few months, I mentioned that I thought my mom might be getting jealous. He looked at me like I was crazy; he had figured this out weeks ago. He told me that, when we got home and she asked how the movie was, he would say “Eh, it was ok.” That day, we saw True Grit. He loved it. When we got home, my mom asked how the move was. He said, “Eh, it was ok.” It was all I could do to keep from laughing.

After my mom’s birthday dinner a few weeks ago, he spent quite a bit of time opening a box of Valentine’s Day Turtles. As he picked one out of the box, my mom told him to take a small bite. Instead, much to her dismay, he popped the entire thing in his mouth. A boyish grin spread across his face as he spent the next 20 minutes chewing it. Getting him to eat more slowly was a fight we never did win. Dad always did things his own way.

On Monday, we asked him whether he wanted to move into an in-patient hospice unit. He told us, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted to stay home.

Tuesday night, his breathing slowed down and then finally stopped. After a minute or so, I tried to remove his oxygen mask and my mom stopped me. She knew him so well; he was her fighter. Sure enough, he started breathing again. He breathed for a while and then stopped. Again, about a minute went by. Just when we knew he was gone, he started breathing yet again. This must have gone on four or five times. By then, we knew we had the Energizer Bunny on our hands. He just never stopped surprising us. And he had a hard time giving up. But, reflecting on all he went through, I now understand why.

I thought I knew my dad so well. It wasn’t until I talked to relatives and wrote this that I really got to know him. Dad lived and died on his own terms. He overcame the obstacles that he faced. He found ways around the hurdles. I know that I speak for my brothers and sisters when I say that we looked up to, respected, admired, and loved him dearly.

Living in the Moment

“One thought has struck me over again. We only have our life one moment at a time. It’s the way we answer the challenge of each moment, face the fear and live the joy and love possible in each moment that enables us to live each moment to the full. Only then can we really live our lives.” [Anonymous Outward Bound Student] Reading this quote last night was my “startled awake” moment. It got me to thinking.

My journey towards “living in the moment” began 21 years ago while participating in an Outward Bound expedition. I signed up thinking it would be a vacation; I couldn’t have been more mistaken. It was a life-changer.

Baja Pictures 009

A dozen of us, aged 21 to 70, and our two OB leaders, spent most of the week kayaking for about eight hours a day among the islands off the coast of Maine in Acadia National Park. It was brutal. We slept in sleeping bags on the ground. (Luckily, we were four to a tent; it got awfully cold at night and the warmth was essential to being able to fall asleep.) We started each day with a shivering predawn swim in the Atlantic and never seemed to dry off. We lived in swimsuits, T-shirts, and life jackets. (No one bothered with deodorant after the second day.) We carried our food and water in our kayaks and packed everything out. We cooked over fires that didn’t want to stay lit on the rainy days. We learned to navigate by compass. We were forced to work together; flying solo wasn’t an option. We somehow managed never to get in the way of passing container ships while lost in the heavy fog.

At the end of the week, we spent a day rock climbing on an island off the coast of Maine. I struggled. Luke, our fearless leader, told me to focus on where I’m at instead of always being focused on the end game, the goal. (Rock climbing is awfully hard when you’re looking at the top of the mountain and not at your hands and feet. No wonder I kept falling off the wall.) At that point, I would have tried anything to be able to scramble up that wall like everyone else in the group. So, I listened. And, it worked. Instead of looking up (or forward), I looked straight ahead and placed each hand and foot. I rejoiced after making it to the top.

I’ve always been so focused on where I want to go, what I want to accomplish. I learned that, while goals are good (and even essential), I needed to do a much better job of living in the moment and at really seeing what’s right in front of me.

Of course, after gathering up top, walking to the other side, and looking down into a very deep quarry, we learned that our next challenge was to rappel (that is, descend that near-vertical surface by using a doubled rope coiled around the body) down. I’ve always been afraid of heights. Aren’t we all? I chose Dave and Pete, the strongest of the guys, to belay me (hold my rope) and, after summoning up all the courage that I never realized I had before this trip, stepped off while facing backwards. Once I got past the thought that I would surely fall to my death and realized that they had me, I smiled my biggest smile and sailed to the bottom.

Sometimes, the moment of that first step pops into my mind and reminds me that I can do so much more than I ever imagined.

As stated on its website, after participating in an Outward Bound course, “students return home the same, but changed. They are attentive to their surroundings; observant of the natural world – be it urban block or suburban yard; be it the classroom, family room or boardroom. They listen as a peer or family member finishes a thought. They actively seek feedback – and then reflect on what they have heard. They are less likely to say “no,” more likely to engage in mindful learning, and predisposed and unafraid to dream big.” I couldn’t have said it better.

By the way, I’m still working to live in the moment.

Waking Up to How I Interact with Others

We go about our lives, interacting with loved ones, friends, colleagues, and strangers. Our actions impact others and, yet, we are not always conscious of that impact.

On the first leg of my journey earlier this year to Fiji, Sebastian Siegel sat down in the seat next to me. We talked and, as we parted, he mentioned the name of a documentary that he had filmed. I jotted the name inside the cover of the book I was reading. This summer, after that adventure and yet another to Zulu Nyala, a private game reserve in South Africa, I finally got around to ordering the video. Watching it this past weekend startled me (over and over).

Awakening World

Awakening World delivers the mechanism for becoming more mindful in our interactions with others. Sebastian poses a variety of questions to people from all walks of life. What is love? What is the purpose of life? What is hell? What is intimacy? What is heaven? I laughed, cried, and sometimes had to remember to breathe while watching this documentary. The answers were heartfelt and enlightening and, yet, differed significantly. Some of their words resonated much more deeply than I had expected.

I realized that there are no right or wrong answers; our thoughts about these matters are personal and result from our vantage points in life. As I watched this thought-provoking film and pondered my own answers to Sebastian’s questions, I found that, already, my own thoughts about each were changing. Not yet fully awakened, I am certainly well into the becoming awakened phase. This filmmaker has inspired me to become more mindful as I connect with others. I encourage you to take the first step and join him in this journey.

I have often shared books that positively impacted my life with my family, friends, and students. I will be sharing copies of Awakening World with them. Thanks to Sebastian for being part of the reason that my life, once again, is changing for the better. I anxiously await the next installment, Spirit of Evolution.

That Kind of Girl

While I was walking to meet my trainer for an hour-long session tonight, I passed a bookstore. The title of one of the books in the window caught my eye (my startled awake moment). The cover read: “Not That Kind of Girl.” That got me thinking about what kind of girl I am and what kind of girl I want to be. (Thinking about your life is not necessarily a good thing to do while boxing; thinking about boxing is what you should be doing while boxing.)

I am holding my little sister (at my birthday party???)

I am holding my little sister (at my birthday party???)

Here I am at what appears to be a birthday party for me (or perhaps cake after dinner). Because I am holding my little sister (who is also my goddaughter), I am guessing there are 18 candles on that cake and, so, I am about to graduate from high school. (It’s hard for me to believe that I am actually sharing this picture with you! I hope I had really big hair once those curlers came out.) Because my mother is still alive and would (might?) be shocked by the shenanigans I pulled, I won’t share the mischief (such a nice, generic word) that I got into with my two best friends that year. However, as a girl who attended Catholic grade school and went to mass every Sunday, even I knew that it it was wrong to be “that kind of girl!” I am guessing that the meaning back in the 70’s still holds true today.

So, what kind of girl do I want to be now that I am 60?

  • I want to be the strong and carefree girl who is portrayed by the statue on the top of this building at Chicago and the river.
  • I want to be the girl who is so healthy that she breezes through the next forty years of life.
  • I want to be the girl who takes a scuba diving vacation in Fiji and then heads to South Africa for a photo safari (both planned for 2015) and then decides to see the rest of the world.
  • I want to be the girl who embraces change and always believes anything is possible.
2014-08-15 09.39.40

The art deco statue on top of the One River Place building in Chicago.

Doing yoga at the zoo this summer. (Those are my toes.)

Looking at my toes and the sky while doing yoga at Lincoln Park Zoo this summer.

Seahorses pictured at the Shedd Aquarium (and hopefully in Fiji)

Seahorses at the Shedd Aquarium (that I hope to see in Fiji).

Immersing Myself in Nature Feels like Being in Church

I’m not much of a church goer; my visits are mostly limited to weddings and funerals. I find my “churches” while visiting the Grand Canyon in the middle of the winter, hiking along the north shore and on the west side of Kauai, and, more recently, scuba diving just about anywhere.

Ducks along the wall at Belmont Harbor

Ducks along the wall at Belmont Harbor

A few weeks ago, I was reading the Comics in the Sunday Chicago Tribune (section 9, page 4, 9/21/14). I stopped as I read the simple yet meaningful “Mutts” comic by Patrick McDonnell. The single panel pictured a dog and cat, back-to-back, gazing up at the trees, and included a quote by Pete Seeger: “Every time I’m in the woods, I feel like I’m in church.” (This was my startled awake moment; one that kept repeating itself as I snuggled in and tried to fall asleep night after night.) Even though I live quite close to the Lake, it has been a quite few weeks since I walked along the lakefront and lost myself in nature.

About to start our descent into the Grand Canyon

About to start our descent into the Grand Canyon

On the way down

On the way down

Almost back at the top

Almost back at the top

Much of my night-time thoughts since reading that comic have centered on a trip that I took to the Grand Canyon in early January 2010. It was unnaturally cold and, as a result, the two feet of snow that had fallen the week before had not yet melted. It was in the upper 20’s and, so, we bundled up in layers to start our National Park Service mule trip from the North Rim down to a small unheated cabin at the Bright Angel Creek Campground on the floor of the canyon. For the most part, we rode single-file as we descended 4,600 feet to the floor of the canyon. While riding, it was almost impossible to talk since doing so would require turning in the saddle and, given the steep descent, keeping my knees firmly planted against my mule’s belly was my priority. I remember it being so quiet and so beautiful. It was one of the most restful and reflective times of my life. We rested the mules without dismounting once in a while and, upon stopping halfway down to eat lunch, peeled off half of our layers as the day warmed. It was in the 50’s by the time we got to the campground. We spent the next two days hiking along Bright Angel Creek and then headed back up on our mules, adding layers of hats, gloves, and coats as we went.

Near the start of Kalalua Trail

Near the start of Kalalua Trail

I'm really proud of these hiking boots

I’m really proud of these hiking boots

Waimea Canyon (Hawaii's Grand Canyon)

Waimea Canyon (Hawaii’s Grand Canyon)

A week in Kauai in Hawaii in June 2013 provided lots of opportunities to enjoy nature. Beginning at the end of the road at Kee Beach, we hiked along the Kalalau Trail on the north shore with the intent of getting to one of the largest waterfalls on the island. It had rained and we expected the waterfall to be spectacular. We navigated narrow trails on muddy topsoil for hours; only to give up when we realized that the river that we needed to traverse three more times had risen from ankle to waist deep. (We stood there staring at the river for at least 20 minutes before finally admitting defeat.) Encountering that force of nature taught me (well, scared me into realizing) that it’s alright to give up on a goal. (I’m very goal-driven and awfully damn stubborn; this was a great life lesson for me.) When we headed to Waimea Canyon on the west side of the island, we were so taken aback. It looks so much like the Grand Canyon. A very rigorous hike from there to look out over the Napali Coast reminded me that I can do almost anything if I set my mind to it. Anything is possible. It also reminded me that I need to bring more water than I think I’ll need.

We also did eight dives along the Napali Coast with the Bubbles Below dive shop. I discovered that being underwater is like riding a mule down into the Grand Canyon. Even though I always dive with a buddy, there is a quietness about diving that brings about self-reflection.

Sharks along at a beach in the Exuma Isands

Sharks along at the shore of Exuma

Angel fish

Angel fish

Coral and fish in Nassau

Coral and fish in Nassau

In fact, the experience was so awe-inspiring that I got in another six dives with Stuart Cove’s while at my time-share in Nassau this summer.

Being immersed in nature is just essential to my peace of mind and well-being.

Diving along the Napali Coast in Kauai

Diving along the Napali Coast in Kauai

Exercise, Hobbies, and Doing It Once

Charles Schultz got me thinking about “doing it once.” Reading one of his “Classic Peanuts” comic strips got me to rethink my commitment to getting healthy through boxing, tennis, and yoga. It also made me reminisce about my too long-ago attempts at watercolor and stained glass.

The other day, I came across a “Classic Peanuts” cartoon. (I had torn it out of the Tribune a week or so ago and it’s been hiding under my laptop.) Linus, who did all of the talking in the four frames, was leaning on a wall next to Charlie Brown. In the first frame, Linus tells Charlie Brown that his father had started a new exercise program. In the second, he says that his father runs a mile every morning but then says that he cannot always get up to do it every morning. In the third frame, he says that “Sometime things come up and he’s had to miss a few mornings.” He then comments that “You know how it is ...” In the last frame, Linus exclaims “Actually, he’s done it once!” (My startled awake moment.) How often have I “done it once?”

In my last blog post, I compared blogging to exercise. Now, I am wondering if this is a broader commentary on life. But, let’s start with exercising.

My boxing gloves

My boxing gloves

I belong to an athletic club in my neighborhood and, rather infrequently, go to the classes, which are actually free with my membership. However, I do religiously work out at least three times a week with a personal trainer. We usually box for ½ hour (yes, I have my own gloves; they’re teal blue!) and then do ½ hour of strength and cardio training. I’ve been doing this for quite a few months now. While doing so increases the cost of my gym membership, I find that I do show up and work much harder than I do in the classes. I guess it’s because I am more accountable when someone is staring right at me. It’s easier to “hide” and take a lot of breaks in a class. I’ve been thinking of dropping down to working out with my trainer twice a week and then showing up for at least one class a week. That’s a thought … being a bit more self-motivated would save me money in the long-run. I am rereading what I just wrote, but realize that I am not convinced that I will make it to a class anytime soon. (I’m just being honest.) However, this would be a good goal.

Maggie has claimed this tennis ball.

Maggie has claimed this tennis ball.

Last month, in an attempt to get myself up and moving in the mornings, I signed up for tennis lessons through the Chicago Park District (Tennis on the Lake). I had signed up for four weeks of 9:00 – 10:30 am lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays. The night before they started, I got a call from the program director who informed me that my class had been cancelled, but that there were openings in the 7:30 – 9:00 pm class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Of course, I had already bought a nice racquet and had convinced myself that I did want to learn how to play tennis and, so, I said yes. We’re just finishing up the third week of lessons. While I am thoroughly enjoyed learning how to play tennis and am getting some cardiovascular work in, the lessons are outdoors near the Lake (and Chicago’s weather has not been all that nice this fall), I don’t get home until 9:30 pm and am all jazzed up, which does not bode well for getting to sleep early (and avoiding insomnia). Well, as Linus says, you know how it is. We’ve got one week to go. I have shown up for all of the lessons and plan to attend next week. So, it’s not that I’ve “only done it once.” It’s that I am afraid that I might just finish up the four weeks of lessons and my nice tennis racquet might then gather dust and ultimately go into storage with my rollerblades. Finding someone (ideally a beginner) to play with might turn this into a hobby instead of just a passing fancy.

My yoga mat

My yoga mat

As you may know, I did recently purchase two Groupons for four-weeks of unlimited yoga at two different studios. I found a CorePower location that is not too far away and went yesterday to my first beginning yoga class. The stretching part was great. The balancing part was challenging (although I caught myself every time and did not actually fall over). However, I was rather surprised that I sweated as much as I did; thankfully, they handed me a towel as I walked in. Only afterwards did I realize that this studio practices “hot” yoga. The room was warmed to 85 degrees! Apparently, the classes get hotter temperature-wise as you advance through the levels. (The room used for the next level is 90 degrees with 25-30% humidity and the room for the next level is 98 degrees also with 25-30% humidity. I am definitely a summer person; I love the heat. Admittedly, it’s really physically-challenging at the moment, but based on how soaked I was as I left, I am guessing that I will be in the beginner’s class for quite some time. The good news is that I went back today. I received one free week of unlimited classes before activating my four-weeks. At the moment, I am committed to going at least four times each week. It will be interesting to see if I can achieve this goal. Given that I have a second four-week unlimited Groupon for a different studio in the area (which I need to activate immediately after this one expires), I may actually come to love yoga (meaning that I will actually be able to do it without embarrassing myself by not being able to keep my balance). This plan just might work.

Leaving exercise behind (at least until it is time to leave for the gym later), I have been thinking about other things that I started but didn’t continue with in life.

Best watercolor attempt.

Best watercolor attempt.

Many years ago, I took watercolor lessons. I even have one of my paintings hanging in my kitchen. Watercolor is something that I love to hate. Watercolor is so unpredictable; the type of paper, the quantity of water mixed with the paint, and the humidity all combine to make it something that cannot be controlled. And, as the oldest of seven, I grew up wanting to be in control. Being unable to control it was the part I hated. However, when I did it, I really was able to live in the moment. I could lose myself in what I was painting and not think about the past, current, or future. That was the part I loved. When I moved last fall, I found the plastic bin with my paint. They’re here in a closet (rather than far away in a storage unit). I hope to find the time to take up this hobby again. I don’t want this to be “something I did once.” I need to carve out the time. Even though doing so does not seem possible now, perhaps a good goal would be next summer.

My collection of stained glass

My collection of stained glass

Years ago, I also took stained glass lessons. I don’t have something I made hanging here. It was a struggle for me. I got pretty good at cutting the glass but just couldn’t get the hang of soldering. I wanted the solder to look perfect as I applied it. Even though I know that soldering can be messy and still look fine, I just wasn’t happy with my efforts. And, when I moved, I also put that plastic bin with my glass and other equipment here in a closet. I have gathered lots of sea glass over the years and would like to incorporate it into pieces of stained glass. (A good friend who lives in Rhode Island does just that.) So, I also don’t want this to be “something I did once.” I think finding a soldering class might be the solution. Perhaps if I just concentrated on the soldering part, I could feel accomplished enough to turn back to stained glass. That’s an idea.

And, then, there is this. I looked at it and cannot find a name anywhere. It was something I bought after seeing an infomercial. It has been sitting by my couch since I moved in here last fall. It sat by my couch when I lived in Streeterville. Theoretically, I would grab the ends with both hands and shake it behind my head while watching television. My arms would be so toned! This is definitely a “done it once” thing.

It sits by my couch.

It sits by my couch.

I guess picking it up and using it would be a start.

Am I Letting the Days Pass Me By?

I live, as we all do, one day at a time. The days pass one by one and they just keep on passing. But it seems like the days are passing me by. The things that I want to accomplish and who I want to be seem to be forever pushed into tomorrow, next week, next month. I accomplish so much and, yet, it feels like I am accomplishing so little. Beth Kephart, who reviewed Jane Smiley’s new book, Some Luck, got me thinking about these things.

Actually, I have been thinking about these things for quite some time. However, for some reason, reading Kephart’s words today motivated me to open my laptop and start typing this post. It happened as I was reading her book review of Smiley’s new book in the October 5, 2014 edition of Printers Row. I got to the last paragraph and it seemed to speak to me. (My startled awake moment.) Based on Kephart’s review, this book seems to simply be about life itself. Kephart’s review of Smiley’s book, “The plot? Life itself?” ended with the conclusion that “We age. That is our plot. We grow older and time moves through us, and this is hardly, Smiley proves here, small stuff. We read these lives, and we find our own.” Then, I reread the beginning of the article. Her review started with the following sentence: “Life is one thing and then another, one day and soon the next, ambition superseded by surprise, desire thwarted by the reality we didn’t forecast.” (My second startled awake moment.)

I started my StartledAwake blog on June 24, 2014, eagerly wrote two entries, loved doing it, and then, as so many of you already know nothing.

I could say that life got in the way. More honestly, I could say that work got in the way. Or, if I am really honest, I should admit that I let work get in the way. I have thought a lot of about that. Why did I let work take over much of my life this summer? More importantly, why didn’t I blog? I dragged my laptop to Nassau in mid-July with the intent of blogging each night. I didn’t. So, what gives? In large part, it dawned on me that people (you) were actually reading what I wrote. I am a nonfiction writer and have been for about twenty years. I’ve written over 50 books (mostly softcover study guides and instructors manuals to accompany textbooks). Students read them. (Well, at least I hope that some college-level accounting students actually read their study guides after having mom and dad pay for them.) Regardless, I would have thought that I was certainly comfortable with the fact that people read what I wrote. Then, I realized that writing about myself is certainly different than writing about debits and credits. Anyway, I will now admit (to you and to me) that it’s scary. I am doing my level-best to put that fear aside.

But, back to work. I definitely accomplished a lot work-wise. In the last three months, I completed two difficult and terribly complicated projects. Without getting into the boring details, my LinkedIn profile describes my writing these days as “developing digital content to enable accounting students to learn more effectively using online, interactive platforms. (As an aside, even though hard cover textbooks still sell at the college-level, textbook supplements are all moving online. Although I still write a few of those softcover books, and even finished one earlier this year, they are being discontinued.) One project related to an accounting textbook that has 27 chapters; the other has 15. So, on July 5, when I finished the work that related to that first chapter, I had 41 chapters left to go. Then, as July and August progressed, I had 40 chapters, 39, 38, 37, etc. The “terribly complicated” part related to the fact that the two projects were running concurrently and had overlapping due dates. Well, I finally finished the two projects. The work relating to the 42 chapters is done. And, yet, in the meantime, more projects await me.

If I am not careful, I will get back in the rut I’ve been in and you won’t hear from me for another three months. I must be careful.

I sometimes make the mistake of letting her drag big sticks home!

I sometimes make the mistake of letting her drag big sticks home!

My challenge is to get myself on a schedule so that I can meet my work deadlines and, yet, also do the things that matter to me. Like blogging. Like getting more exercise with my now 9-month old puppy, Maggie (rather than taking her to doggie day care two afternoons a week so she gets enough exercise). Like spending time with my children. Like hanging out with friends. Like learning to play tennis. Like acknowledging and being kind to people I pass on the street. (I try, but often just put my head down and scurry.) And, oh, yes … like having a life. Although I want to formalize my “Big 5 for Life(more on that at a later date), the things listed above are my ambitions right now; ambitions that I have allowed to be “superseded” and “thwarted by the reality” of my actual everyday life.

I work from home. It sounds lovely, right? You may even be jealous. Yes, I can work whenever I want without washing my hair, without putting on makeup, without paying dry cleaning bills. The real drawback, though, is that it’s a lonely life; just me and Maggie for the most part. I went from seeing 80 – 100 18-year olds every day as a college professor to seeing … no one. I often pick up the phone to talk to my editors instead of just emailing them. I am so overjoyed when they answer and so disappointed when they don’t! (Gosh. I can only hope that they don’t hear my desperate yearning for human contact every time I call.)

The other drawback, which has gotten to be a bigger problem, really, is that I don’t have to be anywhere at 9:00 am. I can sleep in if I want. (It sounds so cool, doesn’t it?) And, I have always been a night owl. So, let’s say that I can sleep in until 11 am, shower, walk the dog, and finally start working around 1 pm. I then work until dinnertime, eat, maybe workout, and then get back to work. (I have deadlines and, so, the work must get done and it does. My editors love the fact that I don’t miss deadlines.) Now it’s 10 and I am wound up. So, I watch something or read until 11 pm or even midnight, which puts me past the time that I am able to easily fall asleep, meaning that insomnia often sets in. When that happens, I don’t fall asleep until 3 or 4. But, that’s OK, right? I can sleep in. The cycle begins … wash and repeat. Somehow, I have to break free of that cycle.

So, here’s a thought. What if I actually have to be somewhere most mornings? I am thinking that this will help me get the day started so that I can actually work during the day and have time in the evenings for the other, non-work things I want in life. So, hoping that this might be the answer, I just bought two Groupons; each is an unlimited one-month pass to a yoga studio in my neighborhood. My plan is to activate one so that I can sign up for yoga classes three or so mornings a week, do that for a month, and then activate the other, and do that for another month. I am hoping that two solid months will get me onto a better schedule, one that helps me live the life that I really do want to live. And, given that I have two big trips planned in the spring (more on those at later dates), being in great physical shape is high on the list. As they say, “two birds with one stone.

Friends have suggested that I work at a coffee shop to get out and be with people. That is easier said than done. I can take my laptop with me, but often need to use two monitors, which keeps me tied to my desk at home in my office. I think the key right now is to get on a schedule. I’m sure hoping that this yoga plan does that. Fingers crossed. (Do you work from home? If so, what works for you? If this yoga plan doesn’t work, I’ll need your ideas!)

I had lunch with a good friend not too long ago. I was so disappointed in myself because I let my desire to blog be superseded by work. I was shocked when I realized that I had let three months slip by. She commented that blogging is like exercise; an astute observation! You do it steadily and then, for some reason, stop, only to find it’s so hard to get started again. I get that. I was sick with a nasty virus these past two weeks and, other than walking Maggie, really haven’t exercised at all. Well, I actually worked out for an hour this morning and I am blogging tonight. Score!

RH website picture. I live close to Lake Michigan; not this close!

RH website picture. I live close to Lake Michigan; not this close!

Tomorrow is Monday. It’s a day that I don’t want to just pass by. Thankfully, I have to be up early to accept a furniture delivery. (And, given tomorrow’s furniture delivery, I will put in a plug for Restoration Hardware. I bought a teak outdoor table from them about 11 months ago. It developed a small crack, which I noticed just a few weeks ago. Within 3 minutes of calling their customer service line, I was assured that they would simply replace it. No questions asked. I am now their loyal customer for life.)

While I am thinking of it (and so I will be able to find it later), yet another sentence mid-way through Kephart’s article caused yet another startled awake moment. “We’ll never stop hearing the ticking of the clock.” I feel like my clock is ticking so very much louder these days after the sudden death of a very good friend in September. (And, given the tears that still spill, even now, that’s obviously a subject of a different blog post on a different day.) Soon, I promise. (I am making that promise to myself rather than making it to you.)

Anything is Possible; Plagued with Self-Doubt

Everything is ahead of me. Anything is possible. I am ambitious. I am plagued by self-doubt. Joanna Rakoff, who wrote about J. D. Salinger, and Kim Schmidt, who wrote about Rakoff, got me thinking about these things.

It happened as I was reading a book review in the June 1, 2014 edition of Printers Row. I came across that one sentence that seemed to speak to me. (My startled awake moment.) Then, I reread the one before it and realized that I could certainly relate to that one. (A second startled awake moment.) The sentences described Joanna Rakoff, who was in her early 20’s at the time.

Joanna Rakoff wrote My Salinger Years (published by Alfred A. Knopf © 2014). Her book describes the year that she spent in New York City in her early 20’s as the assistant to the literary agent who was representing J. D. Salinger. Kim Schmidt reviewed that book in an article titled, “Memoir recalls transitional year at a literary agency,” in the Printers Row Journal edition dated June 1, 2014. In that book review, Schmidt was describing Radoff‘s life as a 23-year old. Her description read as follows: “Nearly everything is ahead of her and nearly anything is possible.

As you may know, I reached a big milestone recently. I turned 60. I must admit that this birthday really threw me. I thought turning 59 was hard enough. After all, it was just one year away from 60. Somehow, I got through that year. But then, as Earth Day (my birthday) 2014 approached, I found myself in shock and was rather dismayed. I injured my hip early in 2013 and had been struggling to get past that injury. That injury in itself made me feel old. I didn’t need a date on the calendar to make feeling old official.

And, then, my children threw me a surprise birthday party. It was absolutely awesome and I cannot thank them enough. And, yet, my ability to deny that I am now 60 either to myself or to others became quite impossible as a result. Interestingly enough, that party seemed to help me accept the start of this new decade. And, finally, in the last few weeks, after working with a great trainer and with the help of a wonderful chiropractor, that darn hip injury seems to be behind me and I am finally feeling 100%. And, suddenly, I realized that “everything is ahead of me” and that “nearly anything is possible.” Talk about an attitude adjustment! I wonder if you feel the same way.

After sitting and thinking about that one sentence, I reread the article and, this time, stumbled over the sentence that preceded this one. It read: “She is brimming with a youthful energy, equal parts ambition and self-doubt.” My first reaction was “Well, hell, yes, I am brimming with youthful energy.” That sure felt good. (And I don’t think I am kidding myself. Well, maybe a bit. But, I’ve got big plans for the coming year.) And, yes, I am ambitious. I am working on quite a few projects for my publisher, have successfully trained my five-month old Yellow Lab, am about to start knitting a baby blanket for one of my daughter’s friends, have decided to sign up for a full-day photography class (with thanks to Groupon), and have a few trips in the planning stages, which will involve scuba diving and a photo safari in South Africa. (Yeah, me!)

Maggie (patiently waiting for me to finish this blog post)

Maggie (patiently waiting for me to finish this blog post)

But, then there is that final phrase in that sentence; the one involving self-doubt. I didn’t have much self-esteem as a child or even as a young adult, but as a strong, independent, woman (I am Woman ~ Hear Me Roar), I now have pretty good self-esteem if I say so myself. But, I am still plagued by self-doubt at times.

As an example, at least annually throughout my career as a college professor, I wondered if I was good enough. I did receive a teaching award early in my teaching career from the Illinois CPA Society. (I was a CPA in my prior life and taught financial and managerial accounting and auditing at the college level.) However, I never did receive a teaching award from the college, which always made me wonder. Twenty-two years went by; twenty-two annual awards went to other people. No official recognition from my peers. Thankfully, right before I retired from teaching, a friend who had been on the award committee explained the politics behind those awards. Knowing that sure helped. (It seemed that I didn’t cozy up to the right people.) But, why did I need one of the college’s awards? I know I did well; the smiles on my students’ faces as they left class told me that. (I taught accounting. Who smiles when they remember taking that accounting class in college? Hardly anyone. In fact, most people groan when I tell them that I taught accounting.) Anyway, this is the easy example of how self-doubt could throw me for a loop. There were other times. Did I (and do I) do my best in my roles as daughter, as a sister, or as a parent? I hope so. But I often wonder. (These are not questions I am prepared to deal with today.)

Anyway, as I was writing this, I googled “self-doubt” and came across the article, “The Legacy of Distorted Love: Recognizing, understanding and overcoming the debilitating impact of maternal narcissism” by Karyl McBride, Ph.D, on the Psychology Today website. It looks like a good one; right up my alley. I just printed it and plan to read it soon. I hope that it helps to alleviate my self-doubt. For now, I know that I need to remember that internal credit is just as good as, if not better than, external credit.

I wonder if woman have a harder time with this than men?

Join Jeannie’s Journey

I am a self-employed, 60-ish long-time single mom who is a proud of her three adult children and a lover of dogs. I am looking forward to the next 30’ish years. My five-year plan can sometimes interfere with my ability to live in the moment and vice versa. I often get lulled into living day-to-day and then, one day, I will suddenly get “startled awake” when I read a line or two in a book or hear a line of two in a song that jumps out, grabs and holds my undivided attention, and makes me think about the choices I am making and what I am doing. And, then, I change (or, at least, try my best to change).

Join me on my journey through the next third of my life.

Living on the top floor  of my grandparents' house on Morgan Street

Living at my grandparents’ house on Morgan Street

I have certainly “been there and done that” when it comes to living in the Chicago area. I grew up as the oldest of seven (living with my parents in an attic apartment in my grandparents’ house) on the south side, attended college on the north side (commuting downtown to take my business classes), relocated to the far western suburbs (to raise my three children), and then headed downtown (when my youngest went off to college). After living for a number of years on the 21st floor in a high-rise in Streeterville (with a great view north towards the Hancock), I now live in a much smaller building (in a neighborhood setting) near Belmont Harbor. I love being able to take advantage of the Lakefront almost on a daily basis.

After my first long and successful career as a CPA (certified public accountant) with one of the big international public accounting firms, I went back to school to earn a master’s degree. After my second long and successful career as a college professor at a community college in the suburbs, I now work full-time from home mostly as a nonfiction writer and sometimes as a higher education consultant.

Life is good and, hopefully, will get even better!